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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How to use この、その、あの This and That (Kono, Sono, Ano)

The Japanese(and korean) have a strange way of communicating what is "this, that".

The easy one is "This".

Kono Inu このいぬ (この犬)
This dog
Kono neko このねこ (この猫)
This cat

NOTE: Kono is used in conjunction with a noun to say,"This dog" or, "this cat"

You can even say "This" without having to use a noun.

Kore(koh-reh) これ means "This (thing)"
"Thing" is a noun so don't use a noun after "Kore".

Kore wa nan desu ka? これはなんですか? (これは何ですか?) 
What is this?
NOTE: (nan/nani means "what") (ka implies a question)
Kore wa neko desu! これはねこです! (これは猫です!)
This is a cat!

The harder one is "That" 

There are two types of "That" in Japanese. (Are/Ano, Sore/Sono) (あれ・あの、それ・その

Situation One

You're sitting in a room with a friend. You look out the window and spot a furry little cat. You poke your friend, and shout,

Ano neko wo mite! あのねこをみて! (あの猫を見て!)
Look at that cat

NOTE: Again, "ano" is used right before a noun, so you use the "that" version that ends with an "o" but when you don't use it with a noun.

Are wa nani?! あれはなに?! (あれは何?!)
What is that?!

Conclusion: You use Are/Ano when the person you are conversing with is realtively close to you, and the object/person/cat you're pointing out happens to be relatively far away.

Situation Two

You're sitting in a room with a friend. You are sitting on the bed, and your friend is sitting in a chair relatively far from you. You spot a cat that walks in and sits itself down on your friend's lap. You are very excited, and you point out the obvious to your friend.

sono neko wo mite! そのねこをみて! (その猫を見て!)
Look at that cat!

NOTE: Again, "sono" is used right before a noun, so you use the "that" version that ends with an "o" but when you don't use it with a noun.

Sore wa nani?! それはなに?! (それは何?!)
What is that?!

Conclusion: You use Sore/Sono when the person you are conversing with is relatively far away from you, but the object/person/cat you're pointing out is close to the person you are conversing with.

The only difference is that Kono/ano/sono is used WITH nouns.
Kono baka このばか (このバカ)
kono neko このねこ (この猫)
ano inu あのいぬ (あの犬)
ano CD あのCD
kono/ano/sono + noun この・あの・その

Kore/sore/are is rougly translated into "This thing". これ・それ・あれ

kore wa neko desu これはねこです (これは猫です)
this(thing) is a cat
sore wa inu desu それはいぬです (それは犬です)
that(thing) is a dog
are wa nan desu ka? あれはなんですか? (あれは何ですか?)
what is that(thing)?

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