I am in the process of taking all of the lessons in the forums and streamlining them onto the main site. Hang tight!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

Ask more questions!

I've updated the site with two more lessons thanks to Dario posting a couple of questions!

The more you ask questions the more this site will grow!

The lessons do not fit in chronologically, so I will be naming them "Lesson x" until a proper placement is found for them.

Happy studying!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Make sure to read the "Examples/Reference" posts after you read and review a lesson!

These are the bulk of the lesson that you must read to have a full understanding of the lesson.

Some lessons will not come with an explanation as I have found that the lesson itself was sufficient.

Happy learning!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Post on the forums!

Remember to post on the forums if you have any questions or suggestions!


Updates are being made and I began changing the lessons!  I have written a couple more lessons so wait until I proofread them!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Welcome to StudyJapaneseNow.blogspot.com!!!!

After a long two years in college, I decided to reestablish my connection with the Japanese learning community by starting a Japanese teaching service. I had a big group back in crunchyroll.com but I eventually ran out of time as college came around.

Folks! I reintroduce to you, the new "StudyJapaneseNow"!!!(formerly known as LearnJapaneseNow)

If you've never seen my previous group:

-I provide you with lessons that spans from basic knowledge to intermediate/expert Japanese reading/writing/speaking skills.
-Forums allow you to ask questions directly to me or to the user base.
-Talk to each other about all things Japanese. (Anime, movies, dramas. books, travelling, education)
-And of course, have fun!

I will be posting the lessons in the forums and new lessons will be updated on the blog!